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A native of Cuba, Agustín Cárdenas is probably the only major artist of our time to have expressed the desire to embody the American, European and African citizen at the same time. By travelling through the three great centres of Western art, he was able to identify a part of his imagination and fix it in his sculptures with an extreme sensitivity that never ceases to contradict the symbolic boundaries that can weigh down these three continents.

After being welcomed to Paris in 1955 by André Breton and the Surrealists, he became a sculptor of international stature, demonstrating a captivating vital energy, tinged with humour and poetry, in both his drawings and his sculptures in wood, marble and bronze.

He died in February 2001, back in Havana. He left behind him a world of forms plucked from his unconscious, testifying both to the influence of surrealism on his life and to the many cultures to which he was attached. His “horizontal totems”, as he liked to call them, are sensual fragments that address the universal question of our origins.

Exhibitions at the gallery

Agustín Cárdenas, Solano Cárdenas, Jesse A. Fernández, Joaquín Ferrer, Luis Israel González Sosa

Group show




La liberté du trait, Exhibition catalogue, 2021